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join our club TODAY!

If you would like more information about our club, please fill out the form located on the right side of this page and we will be in touch with you shortly!

Meeting Location:

Foster City Elementary School 

(Corner of Beach Park Blvd and Edgewater Isle Blvd)

461 Beach Park Blvd, Gate #1 (Multi Purpose Room)

Foster City, CA 94404

Thanks for submitting!

MEET THE club officers!


President: Oshi Gotesman

VP Education: Kai Sung &
Sangeetha Kumari G

VP Membership: Madeline Tang

VP Public Relations: John Gill

Secretary: John Gill

Treasurer: Robert Tang

Sergeant-At-Arms: Shilpi Goel

Immediate Past President: Robyn Adams

meeting location (WHEN WE CAN)

670 Shell Blvd.
Modular Classroom #1

(behind the pickleball courts &
  LEFT of the Vibe Center)
Foster City, CA 94404


Meetings held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month from 7:30pm-9:30pm.


our meetings are back in person!
send us a message for more details.

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